Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I discovered there is always someone for everyone..I get emails..I LOVE BBW's..Love curves and extra girl..That great but I dont...

o just love yourself as you are...HELLO I do love myself..hence the weight loss and journey...I love myself enough to want better to find enjoy me life energy...

I have stopped weighing was a killer and to easy to justify frustration eating or ohh down 3 I can eat just 10 chips...weight fluxuates so once a week allows me a longer period to be 100% on Plan and to see the bigger results!

Ohhh on Plan..I have lots of request...of my secret! I am back on Medifast..after losing 70 lbs I took a break..I needed to re-adjust my mental image, my desires and refocus! I kept the 70 lbs off..and took off 7 in 9 months I lost 70 lbs..but all of a sudden the compliments and the new clothes felt comfortable..and I needed to reset my thinking and say HEY 70 more is do-able...sucessful..DONT STOP dont go 50% go 100%...

I love Medifast for the support, the ease and the true sucess..I have heard the expense reason and the "it isnt enough to eat reason"...but there a cost on your health and your life..and with the reduction in grocery trips at the local market. I order it automatically ships (I can change my order as needed or taste!) and it really really works! My kids have even offered to help me with the cost (they are 19 and 22) because it matters so much that I am healthy and they KNOW Medifast works...they have seen it...I think my kids could be spokespersons as a way to get parents and adults to see the true importance health is our is their future..

But I know the struggle..I know the journey..

And dating as a single,44,and chubby female is a struggle...but it isnt about dating it is about finding health and me....Soon I will tell you the story of the date that made me really understand the physical apperance.. and a bit of a sting it produced.

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